
I'm All About Glam, Love to Stay Fit and Live to Be Healthy.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Chelsea NEVER Settles....Amazing Transformation Done the RIGHT Way!!

Meet Chelsea from MTV's Chelsea Settles....obviously, she's beautiful and 324lbs at the beginning of the show's taping.  Chelsea left her hometown to pursue her dreams of a career in fashion in Los Angeles. Read to see her amazing transformation....
I know first hand the pressure of being fit, health conscious and a size 2 in the entertainment industry in Los Angeles.  Back in my hay days, I was an editorial assistant for a large magazine in the Wilshire/La Cienga area of LA.  All the models and the sample clothing, were in a size 2 or X=small…ugh.  I couldn't imagine tackling the fashion industry at 324lbs with the expectations to be taken seriously in the pretentious town of Los Angeles.  But, there's a young lady who did...Chelsea! 

In Chelsea's quest to take over LA, she took control of her life.  Chelsea represents a Glam Fit 'N Healthy Chick.  She's fabulous, beautiful, courageous and WORKS OUT!! Get it girl...

I'm not sure how much weight she has lost but I plan on asking this young lady.  I'm going to run into you somewhere Chelsea, I must admit, your style is ALMOST as dope as mine.  Therefore, I'll see you in some boutique off Robertson, Melrose or Ventura....reaching for my size.  When that day happens, PLEASE let me interview you and I'm going to need a pic!

Chelsea, you're my inspiration.  Off to the gym, I go....